Ontario PNP- International Student Stream

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP): Employer Job Offer for International Students

The Ontario Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream is a critical pathway for international students who have graduated from an eligible Ontario institution. This stream under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) facilitates the transition from temporary resident to permanent resident status by leveraging a job offer from a qualified Ontario employer.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the OINP Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream, candidates must meet specific eligibility requirements, which include:

Job Offer Requirements

  • Full-time and Permanent: The job offer must be for a full-time and permanent position in Ontario.
  • Skill Level: The position must fall under National Occupational Classification (NOC) Skill Type 0, A, or B.
  • Wage Level: The wage offered must meet or exceed the low wage level for that occupation in the specific region of Ontario where the employee will be employed.

Candidate Requirements

  • Education: Candidates must have completed a full-time degree or diploma program at an eligible Canadian institution. The program must have been at least two years in length, or one year if it required a previous degree.
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English or French equivalent to Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 7 or higher to claim points .
  • Work Experience: No work experience required if applying directly after graduation and have valid job offer.
  • Valid Status: Candidates must have legal status (study permit, work permit, visitor record) if applying from within Canada.
  • Intention to Reside in Ontario: Candidates must demonstrate an intention to reside in Ontario

Employer Requirements

  • Business Operation: The employer must have been in active business for at least three years.
  • Revenue requirements: A minimum of $1,000,000 in annual revenue if working in the Greater Toronto Area, or $500,000 if working outside the GTA.
  • Location: The business must have a physical premises in Ontario where the candidate will work.
  • Compliance: The employer must be in compliance with all provincial labor laws, including but not limited to employment standards, health and safety, and labor relations.
  • Full-time employee: For work locations within the GTA (Toronto, Durham, Halton, York, Peel), the employer must have at least 5 full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents at that location and at least 3 full-time employees for work locations outside the GTA.

Application Process

Step-by-Step Application Procedure

  • Register an Expression of Interest (EOI): Candidates must first register an Expression of Interest (EOI) in the OINP e-Filing Portal. The EOI is not an application but an indication of interest in being considered for a nomination.
  • Receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) : Based on the EOI score, candidates may receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA). The score is determined by several factors including education, job offer, and work experience.
  • Submit an Application: Once an ITA is received, candidates must submit a complete application through the OINP e-Filing Portal within 14 calendar days. The application must include all required documents and information.
  • Nomination Decision: The OINP will review the application and make a nomination decision. If nominated, candidates will receive a Certificate of Nomination.
  • Apply for Permanent Residence: Nominated candidates can then apply for permanent residence through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). 

Required Documents

  • Proof of education (transcripts and diploma/degree)
  • Job offer letter
  • Employer Form
  • Proof of legal status in Ontario
  • Language proficiency results
  • Proof of residency in Ontario
  • resumé

Application Fees

The application fee for the Employer Job Offer stream is CAD 1,500. This fee covers the cost of processing the application for Ontario Nomination and is non-refundable.

Benefits of the OINP Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream

The OINP Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream offers numerous benefits for international students and employers alike:

For International Students

  • Pathway to Permanent Residence: Provides a direct route to permanent residence in Ontario.
  • Job Security: The requirement for a full-time and permanent job offer ensures stability and job security.
  • Economic Integration: Facilitates economic integration and contribution to Ontario’s economy.

For Employers

  • Access to Skilled Talent: Enables employers to access a pool of highly skilled international graduates.
  • Retention of Talent: Assists in retaining skilled employees who have already been trained and acclimated to the Canadian work environment.
  • Support for Business Growth: Helps businesses meet labor market needs and supports overall business growth.

Challenges and Solutions

Meeting Eligibility Criteria

Applicants should ensure they meet the eligibility criteria, especially for the job offer and the employer. Meeting wage, location, and full-time requirements can improve their chances.

Understanding the Application Process

The application process can be complex and overwhelming. Utilizing the services of immigration consultants or seeking guidance from the OINP support team can provide clarity and ensure accurate and timely submissions.

Ensuring Employer Compliance

Employers must meet specific requirements, which might be challenging for smaller businesses. Providing employers with detailed guidelines and support can facilitate their compliance and participation in the program.

Application Process Flowchart


The OINP Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream is an invaluable opportunity for international students seeking permanent residence in Ontario. By meeting the eligibility criteria and following the detailed application process, candidates can take significant steps toward establishing a prosperous future in Ontario. Employers benefit from a streamlined process to hire and retain skilled international talent, fostering growth and innovation within their businesses

Early preparation and a thorough understanding of the eligibility criteria for both employers and applicants are crucial for a successful application.

 If you have any questions related to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP), please reach out to us.


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